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Monday 23 May 2011

Leading Up To My Final Piece

Leading up to my final piece i had to make an descion, the descion i had to make was what action pose i wanted my Quadraped to be in. I had decided from very early on i wanted it to be a snow based background where there was a few snow topped tree's. I consulted drew on my idea he thought it was a good idea but i had to back my idea's up, and here is how i did it...

These are some of the type's of scenery i was aiming for i think i hit the middle ground with my final project because it was all right but i couldnt get the foot prints to shiow as i wanted but to be honest it was better than i ever expected. there is now some dialog on why i choose this scenery....

I Choose the snowy woodland because one of my two merged creature’s already lived there and the other one of my two creatures would be able to acclimatise easily. They both have lots of fat so the cold would not effect there well being at all.
There feeding would be effect because there is grass and tree for the bull and bears they eat mainly salmon from the near by river’s…
All in all I think my creature would be fine in its surroundings and live a normal life…

Now to show my final scenery piece... 

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