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Monday 23 May 2011

My Final Blog

My final piece was implemented just as i wanted it to be, there was a strange colour on the bear-bull that i wanted from the start. I had stated on my first blog that i had a idea for the bear and bull to be half and half...
This took many attempts but i kept at it trial and error then i found a siluotte that i liked. Next i had to implement this into photoshop which then took many attempts too but having all these attempts has made me have a more refined final piece. Once the siluotte was done and complete i put the muscle groups in and this was hard trying to mix the bull's huge butt with the small sort of neck that the bear has. This was eventually resolved, then it was down to me to put the detail in and then decide what colour's i wanted my creation to be i decide early on that i wanted it blue of some sort to represent that it lived in cold area's and reigions of the world. Then to glowing purple came along and it was ugly but then later decide to tone it down and then make a blended purple and blue creature. Then came to creating the scenery there is a blog about that so i wont go into detail but yeah see that blog for all the infomation on why i choose that and why it would benefit my creature. Here is the final piece.

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